Asansol Girls' College

Department of Computer Science and Application

Certificate Course on Trending Computer Technologies

Course Type: Certificate Course

Certificate Issuing Authority: Asansol Girls' College, Asansol, West Bengal.

Course Organizer: Department of Computer Science and Application, Asansol Girls' College, Asansol, Under the Aegis of IQAC, Asansol Girls' College, Asansol

Course Overview

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Computer System

Duration: 3 hours (3T + 0L)

2. Introduction to Software

Duration: 5 hours (3T + 2L)

3. Google Office

Duration: 6 hours (3T + 3L)

4. Basic Concept of Artificial Intelligence

Duration: 2 hours (2T + 0L)

5. Basic Concept of Web Page Designing Using HTML

Duration: 8 hours (4T + 4L)

6. Project work and Viva-voce

Duration: 6 hours

Detailed Syllabus

Unit I: Introduction to Computer System
Unit II: Introduction to Software
Unit III: Google Office
Unit IV: Basic Concept of Artificial Intelligence
Unit V: Basic Concept of Web Page Designing Using HTML

Reference Materials

Recommended Books:
  1. Fundamentals of Computers – U. Rajaraman
  2. Computers Fundamentals – P. K. Sinha and Preeti Sinha
  3. Intro. To A.I. & E.S. by D.W.Patterson, PHI
  4. Principle of A.I. by N.J.Nilson, Narosa
  5. Learn HTML for Beginners, by Jo Foster, Elluminet Press